Friday, April 20, 2012

...Less (but still good) Food

My goal here has been to refocus myself on many parts of my relationship with food.  A lot of it will be outright food-porn and descriptions of how much I love something I've eaten, but part of it too will be my attempt to come to grips with the basic thermodynamic equation of calories-in and calories-out, while still keeping the experience enjoyable.  The last part of that sentence is key, because where I've erred in the past has been to let the process of "eating right" turn into something that was less-than-fully-enjoyable, which has been a recipe, forgive the pun, for failure.

For many years now, I've maintained a good level of ingredient quality when I cook for myself and the family.  We eat lots of fresh veggies, organic whenever possible and cost effective, and mostly balanced veggie/protein mixes.  My wife is Lacto-ovo-pesco-vegetarian, and I frequently eat meatless meals with her just out of convenience of preparation.

The two problems in my habits are (1) quantity I tend to eat when cooking at home and (2) low overall quality of food when I eat at work.

Addressing problem #1 is an ongoing battle.  It's so easy to just make a slightly bigger portion and consume it until I'm full, when most often I probably should be eating less.  I'll continue to work on this, as well as look into strategies to help myself make good choices in this regard.

Addressing problem #2 is a twofold issue, it's partly a problem of making the time and taking the effort to bring healthier food from home and partly a problem of enjoying (perhaps too much) the social aspects of eating lunch out with coworkers.  Lunch is like recess, so I'm usually far too eager to join a group eating fast-food out just to catch up with friends.

In the coming days and weeks, I'll be trying to brown-bag more (with food worth eating) and just prepare and eat less, in general.  Wish me luck.

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